01/08/24 03:08:10 View:

Yesterday afternoon (June 12, 2024), a workshop jointly organized by KisStartup and ADN Communications Company provided valuable information and knowledge on effectively implementing ESG for businesses.
During the workshop, speaker Nguyen Diem Anh (CEO & Founder of ADN Communications Company) highlighted the importance of ESG in the context of globalization. ESG helps businesses meet the requirements and expectations of stakeholders such as governments, customers, investors, and partners. However, pursuing ESG presents challenges such as information overload and high initial costs. To avoid getting "lost" in the matrix of ESG frameworks and standards, businesses need to clearly define their goals based on their industry, scale, and current situation. Mrs. Diễm Anh introduced a 7-step model for implementing ESG, starting with simple steps like ensuring commitment and consistency within the company.

Later in the workshop, speaker Nguyen Dang Tuan Minh (CEO & Founder of KisStartup) shared insights on the differences between the business models (BM) of companies pursuing ESG principles and traditional businesses. According to her, as you pursue ESG principles, a company's business model will change in goals, scope, stakeholders, transparency reporting and creative innovation. Therefore, businesses need to thoroughly analyze their BM to identify the associated benefits and costs of pursuing ESG, enabling them to develop appropriate strategies.

We look forward to seeing you again in the next training session and hope to continue receiving your enthusiastic support.
If you are interested, please:
Register via the form: https://forms.gle/qnwvxwtBQKhXPzAX9;
Access the project's brochure: 
Any questions please contact:
Email: hello@kisstartup.com/hieult.kis startup@gmail.com
Hotline: +84.392161403 (Mr. Hieu)

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