Phase 2 of the Green Transformation Program for Restaurants

17/04/24 05:04:54 View:









We would like to congratulate the Restaurants and Hotels that have completed the green transformation training of the Open Innovation Challenge Program for Green Transformation in Hotels and Restaurants and have been selected to enter the 2-month 1on1 coaching phase. Based on the actual situation and goals of each restaurant, we have designed a training program on green transformation communication and green transformation practices with the participation of leading domestic and international training experts. Common identified issues include waste classification, food waste treatment, energy and water saving, replacement of disposable plastics, use of environmentally friendly cleaning agents, and replacement with new materials and recycled materials have been linked to appropriate innovative solutions and technologies.

We started by working with restaurants to build data related to green transformation content. Changes in the habit of measuring and controlling metrics have helped restaurants find the cause of energy waste in restaurants and come up with solutions to save energy. In addition, participating restaurants also have the opportunity to access and connect with typical green solutions such as wastewater treatment and reuse technology or the application of green cleaning solutions, smart water meters, etc.

With 03 restaurants participating in the training program and 08 solutions introduced and connected, we believe that today's small efforts will lay the foundation for more sustainable values soon.
