Workshop Agenda: Shopee - Why and How?
General Information
- Organizer: KisStartup
- Context: Part of the IDAP project (funded by the Australian Government, following the GREAT project)
- Expert: Trần Lâm – Shopee Specialist and Founder of BeeCom
- Time: 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM, December 19, 2024 (Thursday evening)
- Target Audience: Household businesses, cooperatives, and SMEs in Lào Cai and Sơn La
- Introduce a simple e-commerce model.
- Guide participants on selling via Shopee without requiring extensive technical knowledge.
- Help locals understand the benefits of online sales through Shopee.
Detailed Workshop Agenda
Part 1: Opening (10 minutes)
- Introduction to the workshop and its objectives.
- Overview of the IDAP project and opportunities for local support through the program.
- Introduction of the speaker, Trần Lâm.
Part 2: What is E-commerce? (20 minutes)
- Simplified explanation of e-commerce and the concept of "online selling."
- Introduction to Shopee and why it is an easy-to-use platform for selling.
- Basic benefits of selling through Shopee, such as cost savings and market expansion.
- How to reach customers via Shopee without needing advanced technical knowledge.
Part 3: How to Sell on Shopee? (40 minutes)
- Account Registration: Step-by-step guide on creating a Shopee account via mobile phone.
- Setting Up a Store: Instructions on setting up a simple store by providing basic information.
- Uploading Products: Demonstration of how to upload products easily, using simple photos and descriptions.
- Order Management: Guide on checking and handling orders, packaging, and shipping with ease.
Part 4: Q&A and Networking (20 minutes)
- The speaker answers questions and concerns from participants.
- Success stories shared by individuals who have started selling on Shopee to inspire confidence and showcase possibilities.
Supplementary Activities:
- Pre-Workshop Survey: To gauge participants' familiarity with technology and e-commerce, enabling adjustments to the delivery style.
- Post-Event Materials: Simple guides on creating a Shopee account and uploading products, along with tutorial videos.
Thursday, 19/12/2024 | 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM