thương mại hóa nghiên cứu

Commercialization Mindset for Research-Based Product Platforms

Comprehensive Course on “Commercialization Mindset for Research-Based Product Platforms” designed to equip researchers, scientists, and innovators with the knowledge and skills needed to bridge the gap between advanced research and successful commercialization. In the current fiercely competitive landscape, having the right and innovative mindset is crucial to transform research outcomes into viable and marketable products.


Lean Startup Training  for Scientist - Batch 1

Lean Startup Training  for Scientists - Batch 1

For the first time in Vietnam, the Lean Startup Training Program, which helps to commercialize products from labs, is officially launched.
The training course is part of IRCI's activities to provide scientists with approaches and tools of lean start-up, to bring projects and research topics closer to market demand, and to increase the possibility of commercialization.

# DURATION: 09 weeks with 02 - 03 sessions/week


Introduction of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Chemistry

After 01 year of incubation and experimentation with a group of students participating in competitions to promote innovation (creative innovation) inside and outside the school with clear potential results, 2020 Youth Union of Hanoi University of Industry  cooperates with IRCI (Innovative Research Network Program, Commercialization and Business Connection) and KisStartup continues to promote intensive creative activities and focus on key fields of the university. Introduction is Chemistry.
