Circular Economy Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Circular Economy Innovation and Entrepreneurship

CEIE - Circular Economy Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a program aimed at fostering awareness of circular economy entrepreneurship among young individuals, university students, and businesses. The program has dual objectives:
+ Provide training in circular economy entrepreneurship for students and potential circular economy startup projects.
+ Train educators capable of incorporating this program into their teaching and integrating it into their courses.
+ The program was initiated for the first time in 2022 with the participation of educators from five universities across the country and various project groups.

Participating projects will undergo:
+ Training in circular economy principles.
+ Self-development of ideas and projects related to circular economy.
+ Coaching, guidance, and networking opportunities.
+ Consideration for investment by the KisStartup Innovation Fund to develop the projects.

Participating educators will receive:
+ Knowledge transfer and practical teaching experience in circular economy entrepreneurship based on materials developed and disseminated by the ICM Falk Foundation of the United States and KisImpact
+ Practice teaching and supporting projects
+ Receive a certificate of program completion (if eligible)
The program will be from 26.2.2024-26.6.2024
Registration form:
If you have any questions, please contact us at email:

Monday, 26/02/2024 | 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

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