Dự án khởi nghiệp đổi mới sáng tạo

Closing of Training of the trainers for Lecturers of Vietnam National University

On August 11, 2018, 30 sessions of KisStartup program of Training of the trainers about Innovation and Entrepreneurship for lecturers and managers at Vietnam National University Hanoi. We are very happy that all faculty members have taken a step forward in their projects. The original ideas were rudimentary, after many changes, countless times honed until the 30th. The lecturers were confident, smiling passionately presenting about their project.

Projects vary greatly from issues that are closely linked to the work of scientists; to the commercialization of research results and projects on building a shared economy in order to make best use of the resources available to serve the lives of students and the interconnection efforts between businesses with the school.

The road ahead for all projects is very long and thorny but we believe that with the experience and knowledge gained, the lecturers will be more and more confident and will have their return to school to provide lessons and experience for students.

The course also help to change mindset in teaching and teaching methodology. KisStartup is looking forward to working together to spread the practical values.

At the end of the course, as promised by the program, we will continue to support the project to create a broader impact on the community.

Video: https://kisstartup.com/vi/tot-tot-vnu-tong-ket-cuoi-khoa-danh-cho-gvcb
