Announcement of Mitsui Chemicals R&D Collaboration Awards 2024's result

25/08/24 04:08:15 View:

KisStartup is pleased to announce the results of the Mitsui Chemicals R&D Collaboration Award 2024. This award was initiated by Mitsui Chemicals R&D to seek and support projects with high commercialization potential from universities, research institutes, science and technology enterprises, and independent researchers in Vietnam.

This year, we received over 30 applications from research groups and individuals across the country. After the initial selection, the top 10 most outstanding projects that potentially fit Mitsui Chemicals' ecosystem were chosen, and finally, 6 standout projects were awarded.

First Prize:

  • Technology for producing biopesticides from agricultural waste (DASHOB Ecosystem) This project successfully outperformed many other candidates to win the prize of 2,000 USD.


Second Prize:

  • Hydrolyzed stem technology for rheumatoid arthritis treatment and
  • Nanoparticle technology from functional sheets responsive to pH for drug delivery This project belongs to the research groups from Văn Lang University and Cần Thơ University, receiving a prize of 1,000 USD.

Third Prizes:

  • Mobile drinking water treatment technology (Author: Vũ Ngọc Duy)
  • Technology for producing durable, beautiful paper from bioplastic materials made from bagasse (Glenn')
  • Technology for cultivating algae in landfill leachate to be processed into feed for Moř pine and produce high-quality seaweed seedlings (DBLP) Each third prize was awarded 500 USD.

In addition to the prizes, Mitsui Chemicals will continue to accompany the research groups through collaborative discussions and project progress updates. We are committed to supporting these promising projects as they develop and commercialize in Vietnam, ASEAN, Japan, and globally.

We sincerely thank all the organizations and individuals who participated in this year's award. The winning projects will continue to receive support to successfully develop and commercialize.

About the Award

The Mitsui Chemicals R&D Collaboration Award was initiated by Mitsui Chemicals R&D to seek commercialization potential projects to collaborate on and develop highly marketable solutions in Vietnam, ASEAN, Japan, and globally. In 2024, the Mitsui Chemicals and KisStartup teams are proud to continue organizing the Mitsui Chemicals R&D Collaboration Award, aiming to explore and support highly commercializable projects from universities, research institutes, science and technology enterprises, and independent researchers in Vietnam.

Attractive prizes are awarded to the most suitable and outstanding commercialization potential research projects, including:

  • First Prize: 2,000 USD
  • Second Prize: 1,000 USD
  • Three Third Prizes: 500 USD each

Eligible participants: All research projects from universities, research institutes, science and technology enterprises, and independent researchers in Vietnam.

Key areas of focus:

  • Field 1: Alternative feedstocks for fossil fuel
  • Field 2: Plastics recycling
  • Field 3: Sustainable solutions
  • Field 4: Agrochemical products/technologies
  • Field 5: Nutrition




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