Lean Model to Meet Investors
Lean Canvas - an effective tool to meet investors. How is a lean model used to meet investor?
Join us at Lean Startup series which is designed for up to 10 groups only.
Registration: click GOING/THAM GIA (please don’t click if you don’t intend to join our course)
Fee: VND 200.000 /person (on-site payment)
Lecturer: Ms. Nguyen Dang Tuan Minh - Manager and Founder of KisStartup. One of 12 first Innovation Consultants certified by Ministry of Science and Technology and Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2015. Author of “Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Mindset and Tools” which was listed as one of 10 best-selling books about e-commerce on Vinabooks in 2015.
Tuesday, 17/10/2017 | 02:00 PM to 04:30 PM
Room 209, 18T1 Building, Trung Hoa - Nhan Chinh, Le Van Luong, Hanoi.